The Office of Public Accountability has released the Decision for OPA-PA-15-011

The Office of Public Accountability has released the Decision for OPA-PA-15-011, regarding the appeal of Mid Pac Far East concerning the General Services Agency’s IFB no. GSA-093-015 for “Miscellaneous Items & School Bus Parts."

> Click here to read the Decision

The Office of Public Accountability has released OPA Report No. 15-08, Government of Guam Submission of Citizen Centric Reports for FY 2014 and FY 2013

The Office of Public Accountability has released OPA Report No. 15-08, Government of Guam Submission of Citizen Centric Reports for FY 2014 and FY 2013

The Office of Public Accountability has released the Decision for OPA-PA-15-010

The Office of Public Accountability has released the Decision for OPA-PA-15-010, regarding the appeal of Guam Pacific Enterprises, Inc. concerning General Services Agency Bid No. 106-15 relative to Filing Cabinets, Four Drawer, and Fire Proof.

> Click here to read the Decision

OPA Report No. 15-07, Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Inventory Control Over Controlled Substances

The Office of Public Accountability has released OPA Report No. 15-07, Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Inventory Control Over Controlled Substances.

OPA has released OPA Report No. 15-06, Government of Guam Tax Credit Programs

The Office of Public Accountability has released OPA Report No. 15-06, Government of Guam Tax Credit Programs.

The Office of Public Accountability has released the Decision for OPA-PA-15-008

The Office of Public Accountability has released the Decision for OPA-PA-15-008, regarding the appeal of Maeda Pacific Corporation concerning Guam Solid Waste Authority Contract No. GSWA-12-02 relative to the Harmon Residential Transfer Station.

> Click here to read the Decision

The Office of Public Accountability has released the Decision for OPA-PA-15-007

The Office of Public Accountability has released the Decision for OPA-PA-15-007, regarding the appeal of Pacific Data Systems, Inc., concerning the Guam Power Authority’s Multi-Step Bid (IFB) No.: GPA -072-14 for Voice & Data Services.


The Office of Public Accountability has released the Decision for OPA-PA-15-006

The Office of Public Accountability has released the Decision for OPA-PA-15-006, regarding the appeal of IP&E Holdings, LLC concerning Guam Power Authority’s IFB no. GPA-IFB-005-15 for Diesel Fuel Oil No. 2 and Automotive Gasoline.
> Click here to read the Decision

OPA has Released the Mayors’ Council of Guam (MCOG)’s NAF FY 2014 Financial Audit

The Office of Public Accountability has released the Mayors’ Council of Guam (MCOG)’s NAF FY 2014 Financial Statements, Report on Compliance and Internal Controls, Management Letter, Municipalities Management Letter, and Letter to Those Charged with Governance.

FY 2013 Guam Performeter and A.F.T.E.R. Analysis

The Office of Public Accountability is pleased to release the Performeter and A.F.T.E.R Analysis, a synopsis of the Government of Guam’s financial condition as of September 30, 2013.

Click to view the documents:

> Highlights

> Performeter and A.F.T.E.R Analysis